04 September 2011


The handbook states “ The annual children's sacrament meeting presentation gives children an opportunity to share what they have learned in Primary.” In other words, the children are sharing their testimonies of the principles they have been taught. Give them opportunities as much as possible to express in their own words what they have learned. In my experience, this is a great opportunity for the children to strengthen their testimonies, as well as a leaders to guage if the children are really understanding the principles taught.
Last year, we as a presidency, took our rough draft and split up the list of classes to discuss with them the section [monthly theme] they were responsible for. We had some ideas of what the parts would be but then met with each child to determine their understanding and try to word it in the child's own words. Obviously it still needed to be doctrinally sound. We gave the Sunbeams things like - “ I help my family by___” and let them fill in the blank. The middle age children we helped to use thier own words to express the concepts, or possibly recite an Article of Faith or short scripture passage. We assigned several of the older children short talks and asked them to bring us a copy of their outline. The program “script” was still submitted for approval by the bishop. The “memorizing” of their parts [except for reciting scriptures...] was not so critical as it was already in their own words. It was a very rewarding experience and I would encourage you to increase the children's involvement this year in teaching what they have learned so these concepts can sink deeper into their hearts.
Other TIPS -
  • Plan prayerfully as a presidency and with the music leader.
  • Plan a time line so there is sufficient time for all the preparations.
  • Keep practices to a minimum. We don't want the children missing class lessons or gospel instruction time. Children can review and “practice” their individual parts at home and during their class time after their lesson. This keeps teachers involved. Music should already be learned by now, but a practice CD to listen to at home is a big help.
  • Keep it simple. If teachers can bring their class up to the pulpit all at once or in small groups, they can be in charge of when class comes up and can help any who forget, etc. Give teachers all a copy of script and use them. They can be a big help! Use color coded signs for who stand for songs, etc.
  • A great missionary opportunity – help the children make invitations to invite family and friends to attend the presentation. President Porter is strongly urging us to do this. Click below for a simple version you can use if you just run out of time.
    [INVITE - ODG] - open office drawing
By Tiare Fullmer