14 February 2011

The Miracle of Loving Teachers

from lds.org
In a fireside on January 28, 2011, President Dieter F. Uchtdorf spoke about teachers.  He said that we live in a time when the gospel will be spread unto all the world.  "To accomplish this, we need something even more miraculous than modern technology. We need effective, loving teachers."  He then offered five characteristics of effective teachers:
  1. Center all teaching on the Savior
  2. Teach truth clearly and with courage
  3. Teach by the Spirit
  4. Teach from the heart 
  5. Testify
President Uchtdorf reminded us, that as members of the church, we will all be teachers.  He said, "That is one of the beauties of this Church . . . The call to teach is an opportunity to follow Jesus Christ, the Master Teacher."  What a wonderful opportunity we have in the Primary to gather the children, as the Savior did, and teach them.  

Portions of this fireside address can be seen at lds.org.