12 May 2010

Toys for Nursery - Evaluate What You Have

Spring always brings on the urge to do a little cleaning and sorting.  Now would be a good time to review the toys in the Primary Nursery.  
Ask these questions:
  • Is this toy appropriate for children ages 18 months through 3 years of age?
  • Can it be washed and easily sanitized?
  • Will it look clean after it is washed?
  • Is it broken or missing parts?
  • Does it have edges that are rough or sharp?
  • Will a child want to throw this causing injury or disrupting other children's play? 
  • Will using this toy encourage climbing (this is specifically prohibited in the guidelines of the nursery manual)? 
  • Does it have small or loose parts that could be swallowed? 
Reduce clutter and confusion by:
  • Limiting the number of toys available to the children each week
  • Providing small bins or baskets to hold toys with multiple parts 
  • Donating any excess toys to a local charity or by making them available at the next Relief Society meeting for families who can use them 
Storing the toys in closets and/or closed shelving will help keep the them sanitized and in good repair for use during nursery.   Remember to leave the room clean and uncluttered ready for other uses during the week. 

For tips on how the clean and sanitize toys check "How to Clean and Sanitize Toys" in a blog posted in October of 2009.