09 April 2010

Thoughts about Primary from General Conference - April 2010

President Henry B. Eyring talked about helping children by providing ways to build faith in Jesus Christ and his restored gospel. “Many bishops in the Church are inspired to call the strongest people in the ward to serve individual children in the Primary. They realize that if the children are strengthened with faith and testimony, they will be less likely to need rescue as teenagers. They realize that a strong spiritual foundation can make the difference for a lifetime.” He concluded, “I promise each of you, as you follow inspired direction in this, the true Church of Jesus Christ, that our youth and we who help and love them can be delivered safely to our home with Heavenly Father and the Savior to live in families and in joy forever”.

The primary has wonderful resources available for teaching the children. The 2010 Sharing Time Outline and the nursery manual, Behold Your Little Ones, are great examples. Primary materials, correlated and approved by the priesthood, will be of great worth to this generation of children. President Boyd K. Packer spoke of the importance of this priesthood direction:
  • "Years ago we began correlation under the direction of President Harold B. Lee. At that time President Thomas S. Monson said: “Today, we are encamped against the greatest array of sin, vice, and evil ever assembled before our eyes. . . . The battle plan whereby we fight to save the souls of men is not our own. It [came through] the inspiration and revelation of the Lord.”
The ideas from others may be well-meaning but lack priesthood approval. What great assurance we have that the "battle plan" we are using is the one prepared by the Lords' priesthood servants.

Sister Cheryl C. Lant, recently released Primary General President, reminded us, “It is our sacred responsibility as parents and leaders of this rising generation of children to bring them to the Savior so that they might see His face and the face of our Father in Heaven as well. As we do so, we also bring ourselves. . . Elder M. Russell Ballard has said, “Clearly, those of us who have been entrusted with precious children have been given a sacred, noble stewardship, for we are the ones God has appointed to encircle today’s children with love and the fire of faith and an understanding of who they are” (“Behold Your Little Ones,” Tambuli, Oct. 1994, 40; “Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children,” Ensign, Apr. 1994, 60).