18 October 2009

How to Teach a Song


Know the song: Before you can teach a song effectively, you must know the song yourself. Become familiar with the words and melody by playing the song on the piano, listening to a recording of the Children's Songbook, or listening to the music on the internet (lds.org church music web site)

Sing the Song: Children learn to sing a song by hearing it sung and by singing it themselves.

Use the scriptures: Study the song to learn what message the words convey. How could you use the scripture references at the end of the song in your preparation or in teaching the song.

Capture the children's attention: Capture the children's attention with an object, a picture, a scripture, an experience, or simply a whisper.

Direct children's listening: Ask questions that will encourage children to listen to the song and help children understand the gospel message…for example, What? Where? When? Why?…and state the question in such a way children can discover the answer as you sing the song.

Involve the children: Have children improvise actions. Assign small groups to sing different sections or verses.

Sing, sing, sing: Have children hum or sing the prelude music. For special occasions have a child sing a solo or ask a group of children to sing a chorus. Have the children sing a song that teaches the gospel principle being taught in a sharing time.

Bear testimony: Bear your personal testimony, or read testimonies recorded in the scriptures. As children hear the testimonies of others they will be strengthened.