Welcome New Scout Leader in Primary
Step 1: Create your BSA account - Go to : https://myscouting.scouting.org
You do not need to be a registered member or have a member ID to create an account.
Step 2: Take Youth Protection Training
Take online @ the myscouting website – estimated time: 40 min.
To take YPT:
1. Sign into your BSA account
2. From the menu on the left, click “E-Learning”.
3. From the General tab, scroll down to “Youth Protection Training” and click “Take Course”
4. When you complete the course, print a certificate of completion.
This training is designed to help you keep our youth safe from abuse. You will learn the Boy Scouts of America's Youth Protection Guidelines, signs of abuse, and how to report suspected abuse. After each section of material, you will answer questions about that section's topic. This course must be completed before meeting with any boys.
Step 3: Register w/ Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
Your volunteer application and certificate of Youth Protection Training should be given to your Scout Committee Chair for processing at the local council. When notice is received of application acceptance, [or 2 weeks from date mailed to the Lincoln Heritage Council] you then are considered registered.
Step 4: Be sustained and set apart. You may then begin meeting with the boys.
Step 5: Take Fast Start Orientation
Take online @ BSA website - Estimated time: 45 minutes
Fast Start is intended to be taken by all leaders involved in Scouting immediately following the acceptance of their new role. It is designed to help new leaders understand the fundamentals of their specific program and give insight into the various leadership roles of the people they will be working with. Leaders will learn their responsibilities and how to keep things organized, fun, and exciting, along with information about other resources available to help assist in them in their new position.
Step 6: Read the LDS Scouting Handbook
Available online - lds.org
Click - Handbook
This is the new (2012) 7 page church Scouting handbook. Pay particular attention to areas that relate to your calling but read everything. It helps to understand the whole program.
Step 7: Take Leader-Specific Training
Cub Scout Leaders – BSA online training is available. Take the Leader-Specific Training for your position. This course will give new leaders the knowledge and skills needed to be successful. Part one is an introduction to Scouting and the Cub Scout pack, while part two is a module on how Cub Scouts have fun in the pack and the den. The third part is focused on specific training for cubmasters, den leaders, pack committee members, and pack trainers.
LDS/BSA Leader-Specific Training is provided so that you understand how Scouting, Primary and Faith in God all work together. This training is offered as needed so please make arrangements with your Primary leaders.
Leaders of 11 Year Old Boy Scouts – Make arrangements with your Primary leaders to take LDS/BSA training for your calling. Additionally, you will need to take “Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills” offered throughout the year from the council.
Step 8: Link your BSA ID # to your online account
When your volunteer application is approved, you will receive a BSA membership card, which includes your member ID #. You must enter this # into your MyScouting profile so that your local council has a record of the training you have taken online. To do this, log into MyScouting, click My Profile, and enter your member ID #. This links your Youth Protection training, and any other MyScouting training, to your BSA membership.
Resources -
Cub Scout Round Table
This is the best way to get the most up to date information about scouting in your area, get summer camp information, etc. Check with your Committee Chair or go to http://www.lhcbsa.org/ for dates and location. Check the list below to see what district you are in as each district has its own Roundtable.
Lincoln Heritage Council
Chief Old Ox District – Charlestown, Jeff, Madison, Salem
George Rogers Clark District 1 - Corydon 1st & 2nd , English
George Rogers Clark District 2 - Louisville 4th, ,New Albany
Lincoln Trail District - Brandenburg.
Helpful websites: