07 September 2012


Fall is closing in and time is fast approaching for your 
Children's Sacrament Meeting Presentation

Please refer to the September 2011 posts for some great suggestions and details about planning, but just some reminders -
  • Let children use their own words as much as possible to show what they have learned and are testifying about.
  • Make sure to have “script” approved by Bishop / Branch President before you start practicing.
  • Don't stress – this shouldn't be a huge production, and you've been preparing the children all year.
  • This is a great opportunity for the children to be “Primary Missionaries” as President Porter has asked them to be. Help them invite friends, neighbors and family members to attend. You can help the children make invitations and encourage parents to help children give out those invitations. Don't miss this great missionary opportunity!
  • If your Primary is small - simplify. It's ok if the program doesn't last the whole sacrament time, but do something to let the children share, in song and word, what they have learned in Primary this year.
We are looking forward to attending as many as we are able.