18 October 2010

Victory Tunnel

Sister Rosemary M. Wixom, Primary General President, included the following experience and insight in her talk in General Conference:

“Last spring my husband and I attended a soccer game of our four-year-old grandson. You could feel the excitement on the field as the players ran in every direction chasing the soccer ball. When the final whistle blew, the players were unaware of who won or who lost. They had simply played the game. The coaches directed the players to shake hands with the opposing team members. Then I observed something quite remarkable. The coach called for a victory tunnel. All the parents, grandparents, and any spectators who had come to observe the game stood up and formed two lines facing each other, and by raising their arms they formed an arch. The children squealed as they ran through the cheering adults and down the path formed by the spectators. Soon the children from the opposing team joined the fun as all the players—the winners and the losers—were cheered on by the adults as they ran the path of the victory tunnel.

In my mind’s eye, I had another picture. I had the feeling I was seeing children living the plan, the plan Heavenly Father has created for each individual child. They were running the strait and narrow path through the arms of the spectators who love them, each one feeling the joy of being on the path".    Rosemary M. Wixom, Primary General President, “Stay on the Path

Isn’t it wonderful to be a one of those “spectators” who are marking the path for these children to follow.   Give yourself and the children a cheer!

05 October 2010

Help from the Friend - October 2010

Use the "Topical Index to this Issue of the Friend" on p 48 to find ways you can use this month's Friend in Primary.  Below are a few ideas:
Faith in God - Activity Days, Cub Scouts, 11-year-old Boy Scouts
"A Gift for Billy", 2-3
"Meeting the Challenge", 4-5
"Bulletin Board", 12-13
"Temple Facts Challenge", 16-17 (Gathering activity)
"No Matter Our Differences", 22-23
"Important Trait", 26 (Gathering activity)
"Invite All to Come unto Christ", 40-41
"No Matter Our Differences", Friend, Oct. 2010, 22-23

My Gospel Standards, Cub Scout Core Value-Compassion, Boy Scout Slogan
"Grandpa's Garbage", Friend, Oct. 2010, 8-9

My Gospel Standards
"Run Away!", 44-45

Primary 6: Old Testament, Lesson 43, Jonah and the People of Nineveh
"Jehovah Sends Jonah on a Mission", 14-15