26 August 2010

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

In the April 2010 General Conference, Elder Neil L. Andersen spoke of the importance of children hearing the stories of Jesus to build their personal testimonies. (Tell Me the Stories of Jesus)  He said:

“The stories of Jesus can be like a rushing wind across the embers of faith in the hearts of our children. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.”  The stories of Jesus shared over and over bring faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and strength to the foundation of testimony. Can you think of a more valuable gift for our children?

Are the life and teachings of Jesus Christ embedded in the minds and souls of our children? Do they think about the Savior’s life when they wonder what to do in their own lives? This will be more and more important in the years ahead”.

He included this promise:

“As you reverently speak about the Savior . . . the Spirit of the Lord will accompany your words.
As you do your best, the testimony of Jesus will gently distill upon your children’s hearts. They will go to their Heavenly Father in humble prayer and feel His influence through the power of the Holy Ghost. A stronger personal faith in Jesus Christ will prepare them for the challenges they will most surely face”.

We have the opportunity to share the stories of Jesus in every aspect of Primary; nursery, Sunday classes, sharing time, music, closing exercises, Activity Days for Girls, Cub Scouts, patrol of 11-year-old Boy Scouts, and Activity Days for All Children.  As we faithfully endeavor to bear witness of the Savior by telling the children stories about Him, they will be strengthened for a lifetime.

01 August 2010

Help from the Friend - August 2010

The following are just a few ways that The Friend can be used in Primary:

Faith in God - My Gospel Standards
     "Birthday Standards", p 4-5
     "Trying to Be Like Jesus: Skipping for Good", p 31 
Faith in God - Learning and Living the Gospel
     "Faith in God Challenge - A "Learning and Living the Gospel" Activity", p 23 Teaching, Activity Days for all Children, Activity Days for Girls
     "Investigating the Scriptures", p 13 
Primary 6, lesson 38
     "Queen Esther Saves Jehovah's People", p 14-15, "Coloring Page", p 46 
Primary 1, Lesson 7; Primary 2, Lesson 13
     "A Special Feeling of Peace", p 17 
Activity Days for Girls
     "Cooking Up Activity Day Fun", p 22-23 
Activity Days for all Children
     "Who Wants to "Play"?", p 24-27
11-year-old Scouts "A Scout is kind"
     "Trying to Be Like Jesus: A Good Goalie" p 31
Cub Scouts, 11-year-old Scouts, Activity Days for Girls (Gathering Activity)
     "Funstuff: Partial Pictures", p 43