Carrying on in the same thread as last month’s post and because it is February, a month dedicated to love; I have chosen to write about another aspect of love. In this month’s Friend magazine there is a “Bright Idea” poster that has a quote from President Uchtdorf that says,
“You are not invisible to your Heavenly Father. He loves you.”
It is based on his talk in last October’s conference entitled “You Matter to Him”. When I read the poster the thought occurred to me that not only was this one of the most important messages we must teach to our precious primary children but it is also one of the most important lessons we must learn ourselves. In fact, we must gain a testimony of this love Heavenly Father has for us so the children will feel our love and His love too.
Rather that writing a long blog post for you to read this month, I encourage each of you to read or re-read President Uchtdorf’s talk and then pray to strengthen your testimony of God’s love for you. Then pray for the inspiration to help each child feel this love from our Heavenly Father also. I have included the link to the talk below or you can go to to read it. The talk is also printed in the November 2011 Ensign.
by Sandy Blackwell