01 September 2009

Using the Scriptures in Primary

“When you teach children, you should use the scriptures frequently and find ways to have the children become comfortable using the scriptures” (Teaching, No Greater Call, p 59).

A special thank you goes to all those who attended the New Albany Indiana Stake Auxiliary Training on August 27, 2009; especially those who attended the “Teaching Scriptures in Primary” session. There were five units represented and we discussed the best ways to teach the primary children to know and love the Savior through the scriptures. Most importantly, we discussed that teaching and using the scriptures is very possible, even for the young ones who are not yet readers. Through a few very entertaining role playing sessions, our class learned that teaching scriptures to primary children is very achievable as long as love, patience, and the Holy Spirit are present. Explaining the stories with age appropriate emphasis is key, along with child participation. While the older children may read the verses straight from the scriptures, the little ones may hold the scriptures for those who are reading. The teacher’s role is to invite the spirit and allow the scriptures to connect with the children. The Lord’s children will remember the scriptures taught in primary, even if they appear to not be paying attention! Thank you to the sweet sisters who attended the scripture teaching workshop on Thursday evening. You are doing much good in your primaries!
-Jennifer Yingling