16 September 2010

Callings to Serve

Sister Jean A. Stevens, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency visited with the primary leaders in our area on Saturday, September 11, 2010. One of the topics she discussed was the responsibility of ward/branch Primary Presidencies to recommend individuals to serve in callings in the Primary. She used the following quote from the 2004 Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting. Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles instructed auxiliary and priesthood leaders in their relationship in extending callings:

”. . . Bishops are responsible for all Aaronic Priesthood callings and for the calling of all ward auxiliary officers.  

Each auxiliary president is asked to recommend, after prayerful consideration, individuals to serve as counselors. When a presidency has been approved and called, recommendations for other officers, such as secretaries or teachers in a specific organization, should be made after prayerful evaluation by the full auxiliary presidency.  Because of the keys they hold, stake presidents and bishops can receive confirming revelation to proceed with such callings in accordance with the fifth article of faith. 

This inspired pattern maintains order in the kingdom. . . . an auxiliary president should seek the guidance of the Lord as to who should be recommended to specific positions while recognizing that it is only a recommendation.  

While the stake president or bishop often receives a confirmation that the individual recommended should be called, that is not always the case. Each recommendation will be carefully evaluated, recognizing that it has been conscientiously considered and prayerfully identified. A stake president or bishop will normally consult closely with auxiliary leaders on individuals recommended to ensure that the full picture of an organization’s needs is obtained before he prayerfully seeks confirmation of a calling. . .

Stake presidents and bishops, when you call a new presidency of an auxiliary organization, give them guidance and vision to orient their service. Meet with your counselors, and develop a statement of direction that you hope that they will follow to fulfill their assignment and to meet local needs. Share this vision with the new presidency. Ask them to prepare a plan for its implementation. A member of the presidency or bishopric should meet with them periodically to give further guidance and help them resolve any challenges they may have. . . “ p 6-7.

Following this pattern of prayerful recommendation and priesthood confirmation will bring blessings to each of you and success to your efforts to serve the children according to the Lord’s desires.

07 September 2010

Help from the Friend – September

Friend - September 2010

Activity Days for Girls, Cub Scouts, 11-year-old Scouts
     “Family History Library”, p 6-7; “ Family History 1-2-3”, p 24-25; “Guide to the Friend: FHE, # 2”, p 48
     “A Golden Friend”, My Gospel Standards, p 9
     “Friendship Challenge”, p 10
     “Bulletin Board: Simple Service”, p 12
     ”Bulletin Board: Making a Difference”, p 13
     “Kitchen Crafts: After-School Mini Pizzas”, p 16
     “A New Commandment”, p 17 (Gathering Activity)
     “Word Scramble”, p 43 (Gathering Activity)
     "Guide to the Friend: FHE, # 3”, p 48

11- year-old Boy Scouts
     “What Is a Priesthood Quorum?”, p 11; “Guide to the Friend: FHE, # 1”, p 48

Activity Days for Girls
     “A Faithful Girl Named Emma”, p 28-29

Primary 2 and 3
     “Choose the Right Way”, p 34-35

Primary 6: Old Testament, Lesson 40
     “Jehovah Saves Faithful Daniel”, p 14-15; “Coloring Pages: Daniel Chooses the Right”, p 46

Activity Days for All Children
     “Friends in the News: Albany Ward and Crescent Park Fifth Ward”, p 47

    “For Teachers and Leaders: Songs in ASL”, back cover