21 March 2010

Improving Opening/Closing Exercises

With Sacrament meeting first, the last 20 minutes of Primary should follow the agenda in the Primary Handbook, p 234, using the suggested order for closing exercises:
  • Prelude music
  • Quiet song
  • Message by a member of the bishopric/branch presidency (as often as possible)
  • Song
  • Talks by children
  • Song or two (as time allows)
  • Summary message by a member of the primary presidency
  • Scripture by one of the children (child's choice)
  • Prayer song
  • Closing prayer
  • Postlude music 
This time should be structured with the messages and music contributing to a quiet listening time.

Closing exercises also provide an opportunity for the children to learn how to prepare and give talks. The following articles from the Ensign and Friend can give you ideas for helping children and their parents prepare and give more meaningful talks. The information in these articles could be used to plan:
    Activity for all children
    Activity Day for Girls and Scouting activities
    5th Sunday lesson for parents and adults
    Relief Society mid-week class
    Simple instructions to be included in assignment reminders
    or another forum coordinated by the Primary presidency and/or ward council

These are the basic steps for children (and adults) to prepare talks, just remember I EAT:
    Introduce the gospel principle you will talk about.
    Explain the principle by using a scripture or scripture story.
    Apply the principle by giving an example of how it has been used in your life.
    Testify about the importance of this principle by telling how you feel about it.
Closing exercises can become an important part of preparing children for participating in sacrament meeting, giving talks, and being a missionary. 

Review of Stake Auxiliary Training  class – "Improving Closing Exercises"

01 March 2010

Help from the Ensign - March 2010

"First Presidency Message: Moral Courage - Children: Gifts That Give Us Courage" p 5-7

  • This activity correlates well with the Faith in God requirements for "Learning and Living the Gospel". It could be completed and listed as "your own activity".

"What We Believe: The Holy Ghost Testifies of Truth" p 10-11

  • This article correlates well with the Faith in God requirements for "Learning and Living the Gospel" bullet #3 (p 6 in the Faith in God guidebooks).
  • Teachers, activity day leaders, and Scout leader can use this article to prepare themselves to help children understand Articles of Faith #s 1, 4, 7, and 9.
  • Music Leaders can use this article to prepare to teach the song Children's Songbook #105 - The Holy Ghost that will be part of the 2010 Sacrament Meeting Presentation.

"Small and Simple Things" p 70–72

  • This article is short. All adults who serve in primary can benefit by reviewing these principles frequently. Here it is:

    "By small and simple things are great things brought to pass" (Alma 37:6).

    "Suggestions for Teaching Children:

    • Greet each child by name as he or she comes into class.
    • Let children participate in lessons by inviting them to hold visual aids, choose a song, answer questions, or role-play a story.
    • Use simple and clear language.
    • Become familiar enough with the lesson that you can "tell" it to the children rather than read it from the manual.
    • Remember that children will follow your example. Try to set a righteous example in the way you treat them and others".